Friday, September 30, 2005

Alabama State Senator Explains God's Wrath

    You've got to watch this. I've never seen a senator say something as stupid as this on a major news station. Some religious fanatic sure, but a senator? It's interesting how the smile on his face doesn't seem to go away very quickly even when Scarborough is describing suffering children. With senators and other government officials believing stuff like this, it's perfectly logical for them to think that we're going to ward off future natural disasters by spending public tax dollars to build churches rather than levees. This is just absolutely sickening.


vjack said...

Thanks for posting this and bringing it to my attention. I just added a quick post about it too. I want to make sure everyone sees this.

LBBP said...

If you look really closely at the video you can see a refection of Pat Robertson pulling the strings.

Michael Cunningham said...

And this guy is a senator?? Thanks for bringing this to everybody's attention. This is worthy of linkage from multiple sources.

Aaron Kinney said...

Hes an ALABAMA senator. Sadly, it makes perfect sense to me that this asshat said this. He really does represent the thinking of the majority of the people in that area.

Disgusting and inhumane? Absolutely. Suprising? Not in the least.