Saturday, September 10, 2005

Support Fact-Based Initiatives

    So I was over at Evangelical Atheist and made a comment about how a leader of the Family Research Council was trying to use the Katrina disaster to justify why we should divert resources to faith-based initiatives. Anyway, I wrote that the government should only be focused on fact-based initiatives, especially while we're running a deficit. Someone besides me thought it was a cool phrase so I made this banner to put on my blog. I googled the phrase and apparently it's been used before so I'm not the first to use it. Feel free to use the banner if you like.


Delta said...

I could probably improve it by changing its size before I uplaod it, so maybe I'll do that when I get some more time :)

vjack said...

I like the banner idea. Whether we call it "fact-based" or "reality-based," it sends a clear message.

Anonymous said...

I suppose they'll start calling federal taxes "government tithing" soon.